What Happens if you get in a Car Accident Without a License?

You don’t have a license and you were in a car accident. The car wreck wasn’t your fault. Do you have the right to recover damages for your damages and injuries? What happens if you get in a car accident without a license?

Driving without a license is a violation of the law, but it’s also a completely separate issue from your claim for damages. The party at fault is responsible for the damages to your vehicle and any injuries you’ve sustained.

Louisiana negligence laws require the party that causes damage to another to repair it. This mandate is independent of your responsibility to have a driver’s license.

Can You File a Claim against another Party if you were Driving without a License?

Yes, so long as you are not at fault in causing the accident. Unlicensed drivers are not automatically liable for an accident because they don’t have a valid license. Liability is based on the negligence of the parties.

The fault for the accident is dependent on which party failed to act responsibly and safely. For a person without a license to be liable, he must have operated in a careless way that led to the collision. To learn more about proving fault read this article.

Driving Without a License in Louisiana

Although you can recover damages if you were in a car wreck without your license, you have violated Louisiana law against the operation of a motor vehicle without a valid license.

Anyone operating a motor vehicle on a Louisiana highway must possess and present a valid driver’s license when requested.  A licensed driver without immediate possession of the license is subject to a fine of $10 to $500 and up to six months in jail.

Under Louisiana’s “Wallet Program,” a digital image of the driver’s license presented via the driver’s cellphone is sufficient. Driving a car without your valid driver’s license on you is not as severe as driving with a suspended or revoked license.

While you will likely get a ticket, it’s a simple traffic violation and not a misdemeanor. Courts often dismiss the ticket if you show up at court with your valid driver’s license, although you may still be fined.

Driving While Suspended or Revoked

A person who operates a vehicle during the time his or her license is suspended or revoked is subject to jail time, fines, and an extension of their driving suspension. Driving after your license has been suspended or revoked is a crime.

If you are charged, your sentence depends in part on the type of license you had and whether you had prior convictions for driving on a suspended or revoked license. For persons with Class D or E driver’s license, the maximum sentence is a $500 fine and six months in jail. (La. Rev. Stat. § 32:415 (C)(1).

If you have a class A, B, or C driver’s license, the maximum sentence could be $5,000, six months in jail and a civil penalty of $2,500. For any conviction of driving on a suspended or revoked license, your period of suspension or revocation may be extended for an additional year.

Can you go to jail for not having your license?

Persons driving without a valid license can be charged with a misdemeanor. Not having a valid license includes persons who have never had a license or failed to renew an expired license. If charged and convicted, you face up to six months in jail and a maximum fine of $500.

Driving with a suspended license is a misdemeanor and is punishable by up to six months in jail. You can be fined up to $500 unless you were driving a commercial vehicle, then the fine can reach $5000. Also, an additional year is added to your driving suspension.

However, if your driving privileges were suspended because of a DWI conviction, more severe penalties can be assessed. Check the statute for up to date penalties. It is prudent to get a driver’s license issue straightened out as soon as possible.

Getting your license allows you to drive legally, and you gain some credibility when dealing with the insurance company and courts. It is typical for either of them to use your continued lack of a license against you.

Can you get in trouble for letting someone without a license drive your car?

Typically, if you let someone drive your car, which you believe had a valid license, but they didn’t, you shouldn’t get into any trouble.

However, if you allow a person without a license to drive your car and they were involved in an accident, you could be held responsible if you knew or should have known that the person was unlicensed or had a suspended license.

You could be held civilly responsible under the doctrine of negligent entrustment. To establish liability it must be proven that you knew or should have known the person was unlicensed at the time. The best approach would be to call a lawyer who concentrates on these types of issues, because Louisiana’s negligence laws are relatively broad.

Does having no driver’s license play a role in determining negligence in a car accident?

No, not unless the failure to have a driver’s license played a role in the car accident. Louisiana negligence is established in Civil Code Article 2315: Every act whatever of man that causes damage to another obliges him by whose fault it happened to repair it.  Civil Code Article 2315 (A)

Courts use the following criteria in their analysis to determine the validity of negligence claims:

  • Was the conduct a cause in fact of the harm? In other words, “but for” the actions of the defendant, the plaintiff would not have been injured; and such conduct is a cause.
  • Was a duty owed to the plaintiff by the defendant? Did this defendant owe a duty to this plaintiff, either by law, regulation, or custom?
  • Did the defendant breach this duty? Did the defendant deviate from the duty owed to this plaintiff?
  • What was the scope of duty breached? Was the duty breached meant to protect this plaintiff from this type of injury? The answer to this question is case-specific. Facts are used to determine foreseeability and ease of association.
  • What damages were suffered by the plaintiff? Were the damages suffered caused by the breach of the duty owed to the plaintiff? To read more about Louisiana Negligence law click here.

Will insurance cover an unlicensed driver?

It depends on the facts surrounding the unlicensed driver. Insurance companies require a valid license before they issue insurance. Also, many insurance companies have exclusions of non-coverage for owners/drivers with a suspended license.

However, if the car was borrowed, then the insurance typically follows the vehicle. If a person with valid car insurance decides to loan his vehicle to an unlicensed person, then the insurance should cover the damages caused by the unlicensed driver. One caveat, the owner, doesn’t know the person is unlicensed at the time he loaned the vehicle.

The best way to protect yourself have adequate UM/UIM coverage as part of your auto insurance policy and to hire an attorney experienced with car accidents.

These two actions will ensure you receive fair compensation for your damages.

Sonja Bradley has successfully navigated many cases through the settlement process and courts for accident victims throughout Louisiana.

If you want someone by your side to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve, contact our offices in either Hammond or Livingston, Louisiana.

Why Are Car Accidents So Common

Traffic accidents seem to occur more and more frequently, especially in Lousiana. In this article, we’ll look at some of the most common reasons for car accidents, and steps to help prevent them.

The most common cause of car accidents is distracted driving. Drivers on cell phones, eating, texting, or even reading while driving is all instances that lead to distracted driving accidents.

Distracted driving is a significant cause of accidents on the roads in the United States, but it is not the only causes. Speeding, driving while impaired, and road conditions are also factors in causing automobile collisions.

Distracted Driving: A Common Cause of Automobile Accidents

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), over 3,100 deaths were caused by distracted drivers in 2017. Distracted driving is considered any activity that takes your attention away from driving safely.

Distracted driving can be broken down into three categories:

  • Visual: Looking away from the road while driving;
  • Manual: removing your hands from the steering wheel; and
  • Cognitive: taking your mind off of driving

The biggest culprit of distracted driving is texting. Reading a text diverts your eyes from the road for 5 seconds. If a person is driving 55 miles an hour, you will travel approximately 100 yards without seeing the way.

If you have to text or use your cell phone, the best practice is to pull your vehicle in a parking lot and take care of your business. Texting and driving are too risky.

Driving requires your full attention. States have initiated laws curtailing the use of a cellphone while driving. Visit the Governors Highway Safety Association website, from this site, you can access the applicable laws for each state.

Speeding: A Cause of Automobile Accidents

Speeding causes car accidents; it led to the deaths of over 9,700 people in 2017. Driving at excessive speeds is dangerous, plan and comply with designated speed limits.

Speed limits are established based on road conditions and traffic. Accidents caused by excessive speeding has resulted in 26% of all traffic deaths.

Speeding not only endangers the person driving too fast but also the other people on the road. The NHTSA has put together information to help reduce the number of automobile accidents caused by speeding. You can read their message here.

High-speed drivers are more likely to lose control of their vehicle and requires a greater distance to stop. Accidents occurring at higher speeds increase the amount of damage and injury.

Driver Impairment: A Cause of Automobile Accidents

Driving Drunk

Alcohol reduces muscle coordination and reaction time. It also impairs proper thinking and reasoning, which reduces a persons ability to operate a vehicle safely. Driving under the influence of alcohol results in the deaths of almost 30 people per day.

Driving under the influence is dangerous and it’s illegal. Every state has laws making it illegal to operate a motor vehicle with a Blood Alcohol Concentration of .08 or higher. Blood Alcohol Concentration is the alcohol level measured by the weight of alcohol in a specific volume of blood.

Over 10,000 people died in car accidents involving drunk drivers in 2017. The 2017 number is consistent; the average amount of deaths over the last ten years is over 10,000.

Driving drunk is not only dangerous; it is expensive. If you are charged with a DUI, the penalties can include hefty fines, jail time and suspension of your driver license.

Fines can reach thousands of dollars, and if you have to retain an attorney, look to spend upwards of 10,000 dollars. To learn more about DUI laws in Louisiana, read our article.

In many states, people convicted of DUI are ordered to install an ignition interlock device. Interlock devices require a prospective driver to blow into the device before the vehicle starts.

If the operators BAC is above the pre-set limit the ignition will not unlock and allow the vehicle the be started. Interlock devices are an additional expense borne by the person charged with DUI.

If you like to drink alcohol, follow these steps:

  • Have a designated driver before you begin drinking;
  • Have telephone numbers of friends or family members you can call if you’ve been drinking,
  • Plan to call a taxi or Uber driver;

If others are drinking, follow these step:

  • Do not let friends get behind the wheel if they have been drinking, take their keys;
  • If you host a party and plan on serving alcohol, be sure all guest have a safe way home;
  • Encourage others to wear a seatbelt whenever they travel in a vehicle. With the number of impaired drivers on the road, it is best to take precaution and be safe.
  • If you’ve seen an impaired driver on the roadway call law enforcement, you may save someone life.

Reckless Driving: A Cause of Automobile Accidents

Tailgating, changing lanes too quickly and speeding are all forms of reckless driving. Reckless driving or aggressive driving includes a multitude of traffic offenses.

The following is a list of offenses considered to be reckless:

  • Violations of traffic law signals: Running red lights, stop signs, and failure to yield to traffic are some examples;
  • Tailgating: following another vehicle too closely increases the chance of a rear-end collision
  • Passing cars in a no-passing zone;
  • Driving too fast for the weather conditions; Ice, rain, and fog increases the chances of accidents drivers should reduce their speed.
  • Driving too fast for the road conditions; loose gravel, wet roads, potholes, create unsafe conditions, drivers should reduce the speed of their vehicle;
  • Unsafe lane changes: Weaving between cars in traffic increases the chances of a wreck and injury.

Teenagers: Reckless Drivers

Teenagers have a propensity to show off. They often try to impress their friends by driving reckless. They must learn the extent of the damage an automobile can cause.

Remind teenagers to always wear a seatbelt, don’t use their cell phones while driving, don’t speed and obey all traffic signals.

Road Conditions: A Cause of Automobile Accidents

Poor road conditions cause car wrecks. Driving through potholes, uneven road surfaces, and road cracks create dangerous driving conditions. There are many examples of how road conditions can lead to collisions and injury.

An uneven road can cause a driver to lose control of his vehicle and cross the centerline of a highway and collide with oncoming traffic. The American Society of Civil Engineering grades each state’s roads. In 2017 Louisiana roads were rated a D.

The government should maintain roadways in a safe condition. If you spot an unsafe roadway condition contact the proper authority. If you were involved in an automobile accident and believe the roadway was a factor be sure to inform the investigating officer and confirm he notes the condition in the accident report.

No Pay No Play Law in Louisiana

What is Louisiana No Pay No Play Law?

No Pay, No Play, refers to a Louisiana law restricting the rights of a victim of an automobile accident to recover full damages.  It a person is driving an automobile without the legally required insurance coverage his right to recover damages is limited.

To legally drive on the roads and highways in Louisiana you must have a valid drivers license and have automobile insurance coverage.

Under Louisiana’s “no pay” “no play” insurance laws you may lose the right to recover for your losses suffered in an accident if you didn’t carry automobile insurance on the vehicle you were driving, even if you were not at fault for the accident.

Under this statute (No Pay, No Play) victims of an accident without insurance can not recover the first $15,000 of bodily injury damages and the first $25,000 of property damages.

There are some important exceptions you need to be aware of:

You are only required to carry a minimum liability insurance;

Drivers from other states are not covered by the statute;

The law doesn’t apply if the at fault driver broke certain laws before the crash, such as driving under the influence, fleeing the scene, or it tha at fault driver is in the commission of a felony.

if the car was legally parked

A passenger may recover for his damages, so long as he was not a co-owner of the uninsured vehicle.

Purpose of No Pay No Play Law

The purpose of the law is to reduce the cost of insurance rates in the state. The theory is the limitation on recovery will encourage more driver to buy insurance coverage. 

More insured drivers results in a lower number of uninsured drivers on the roads.  The less uninsured drivers reduce the cost automobile insurance companies spend covering accidents caused by uninsured drivers.  The lawmakers hope the savings for the insurance companies “trickle down” to consumers.

Currently, Louisiana has the second highest insurance premium rates in the country. To check the current statute La. R.S. 32:866, the statute governing No Pay, No Play in Louisiana click here

The statute reads, in part:

“[t]here shall be no recovery for the first fifteen thousand dollars of bodily injury and no recovery for the first twenty-five thousand dollars of property damage based on any cause or right of action arising out of a motor vehicle accident, for such injury or damages occasioned by an owner or operator of a motor vehicle involved in such accident who fails to own or maintain compulsory motor vehicle liability security.”


If you are involved in an Automobile Accident Contact Sonja Bradley your attorney in Hammond Louisiana, Denham Springs, Louisiana, Ponchatoula Louisiana, Livingston Louisiana, Albany Louisiana, Amite Louisiana, Walker Louisiana and surrounding areas to ensure your personal injury case is handled right.

Check out our article on steps to follow when you have been in a car accident.

The following is the Louisiana Revised Statute 32:866. It is essential to visit the website to check the current status of the law for any updates.

§866.  Compulsory motor vehicle liability security; failure to comply; limitation of damages

A.(1)  There shall be no recovery for the first fifteen thousand dollars of bodily injury and no recovery for the first twenty-five thousand dollars of property damage based on any cause or right of action arising out of a motor vehicle accident, for such injury or damages occasioned by an owner or operator of a motor vehicle involved in such accident who fails to own or maintain compulsory motor vehicle liability security.

(2)  For purposes of this Section, the meaning of “bodily injury” and “property damage” is governed by the applicable motor vehicle liability insurance policy or, in the event of security other than an insurance policy, the meaning of such terms is that which is commonly ascribed thereto.

(3)(a)  The limitation of recovery provisions of this Subsection do not apply if the driver of the other vehicle:

(i)  Is cited for a violation of R.S. 14:98 as a result of the accident and is subsequently convicted of or pleads nolo contendere to such offense.

(ii)  Intentionally causes the accident.

(iii)  Flees from the scene of the accident.

(iv)  At the time of the accident, is in furtherance of the commission of a felony offense under the law.

(b)  The limitation of recovery provisions of this Subsection do not apply if at the time of the accident, the other vehicle is not being operated and the vehicle is not in violation of the provisions of Chapter 1 of this Title.

B.  Each person who is involved in an accident in which the other motor vehicle was not covered by compulsory motor vehicle liability security and who is found to be liable for damages to the owner or operator of the other motor vehicle may assert as an affirmative defense the limitation of recovery provisions of Subsection A of this Section.

C.  If the owner of a motor vehicle, who fails to own or maintain compulsory motor vehicle liability security, institutes an action to recover damages in any amount, regardless of whether such owner or operator is at fault, and is awarded an amount equal to or less than the minimum amount of compulsory motor vehicle liability security, then such owner or operator shall be assessed and held liable for all court costs incurred by all parties to the action.

D.  Each person who applies for a driver’s license, registers a motor vehicle, or operates or owns a motor vehicle in this state is deemed to have given his consent to be subject to and governed by the provisions of this Section.  All persons who apply for the issuance or renewal of a driver’s license, motor vehicle title, or motor vehicle registration shall sign a declaration on a form developed by the Department of Public Safety and Corrections pursuant to rule and regulation that the person acknowledges and gives consent to the requirements and provisions of this Section and that the person will comply with all provisions of this Section and the Motor Vehicle Safety Responsibility Law.  Proof of whether the person obtained or signed such declaration is irrelevant to the application of this Section.

E.  Nothing in this Section shall preclude a passenger in a vehicle from asserting a claim to recover damages for injury, death, or loss which he occasioned, in whole or in part, by the negligence of another person arising out of the operation or use of a motor vehicle.  This Subsection shall not apply to a passenger who is also the owner of the uninsured motor vehicle involved in the accident.

F.(1)  Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, no insurer shall lose any rights of subrogation for claims paid under the applicable insurance policy for the recovery of any sum in excess of the first fifteen thousand dollars of bodily injury and the first twenty-five thousand dollars of property damages.

(2)  In claims where no suit is filed, the claimant’s insurer shall have all rights to recover any amount paid by the claimant’s insurer on behalf of the insured for the recovery of any sum in excess of the first fifteen thousand dollars of bodily injury and the first twenty-five thousand dollars of property damages.

G.(1)  Except for newly acquired vehicles added to a policy subject to the policy terms, the issuance, change, or adjustment of any motor vehicle liability security or insurance policy subsequent to a motor vehicle accident, without proof of coverage having been bound prior to such motor vehicle accident, shall not effectuate any of the following:

(a)  The recovery for injury or damages that are otherwise prohibited under this Section.

(b)  The defeat of any affirmative defense otherwise allowed under this Section.

(c)  The avoidance of liability for court costs otherwise required under this Section.

(2)  Reinstatement provisions of a policy during the premium payment grace period specified in the policy shall not be invalidated by the provisions of this Section.

H.  The provisions of this Part shall not apply to any vehicle which is legally parked at the time of the accident.

Acts 1997, No. 1476, §4, eff. Sept. 6, 1998; Acts 1999, No. 1085, §1, eff. Jan. 1, 2000; Acts 2003, No. 532, §1; Acts 2008, No. 921, §1, eff. Jan. 1, 2010; Acts 2014, No. 149, §1.

NOTE:  See Acts 1997, No. 1476, §5(D)(2).  The rate reduction day was the date on which the judgment in the lawsuit became final, May 8, 1998.  Sections 2 through 4 became effective 120 days thereafter, Sept. 6, 1998.


You’ve just been in a car wreck, so what do you do next?  Know this, insurance companies are in business make money, they collect premiums and fight, so they don’t have to pay claims, especially for personal injury.  To help protect yourself, you need to follow these necessary steps and then call Sonja Bradley your lawyer for personal injury claims.


You may feel you are alright, but sometimes severe injuries can occur in even a minor accident.  You need to stay at the scene until emergency personnel arrives.


If you or anyone else involved in the accident has been hurt immediately call emergency personnel and request an ambulance.


Notify the police of your accident, and this must be done right away and give them the location where the accident occurred.  They will send an officer to the scene to gather information, investigate the crash, and make a fault determination.  They will write this information in a report and file with their agency.  You need to ask the officer for the report number and request his name and contact information.  The more information you have, the better protected you are.


Most people have smartphones today, so take advantage of this technology and take pictures.  Take pictures of the vehicles, the accident site, the other driver and passengers, the license plate of the other driver, the damage to the cars and the investigating officer.  If there are witnesses, ask for their names and contact information and take a picture of them as well.  If you don’t have a smartphone, take out a pen and paper and record this information. Information is vital.

When You Have Been a Car Wreck Contact Sonja Bradley Your Personal Injury Attorney in Hammond, Louisiana, Livingston Louisiana, Denham Springs Louisiana, Ponchatoula Louisiana, Albany Louisiana, Amite Louisiana and surrounding areas.

Negligence Law in Louisiana,

Have you been injured a car wreck in Louisiana? If so then, Louisiana’s laws on negligence are used to determine who’s responsible for the damages you suffered.

Louisiana’s negligence law, codified in Civil Code Article 2315 (A), states: Every act whatever of man that causes damage to another obliges him by whose fault it happened to repair it.

This statute is the basis for recovery in personal injury cases. Article 2315 is a broad statute and encompasses a wide range of negligent acts, and some actions are not so obvious.

Negligence and Duty Risk Analysis in Louisiana Law

For a person to establish a claim against another for negligence, a five-prong analysis was established by the courts.

  • Was the conduct a cause in fact of the harm? This is the “but for” question. If the plaintiff would not have been injured but for the defendant’s conduct, such conduct is a cause in fact.
  • Was a duty owed to the plaintiff by the defendant? Did the defendant owe a duty to the plaintiff, either by statute, regulation, or custom?
  • Did the defendant breach this duty? Did the defendant conform to the duty owed to the plaintiff?
  • What was the scope of duty breached? Was the obligation breached intended to protect this plaintiff from this type of harm? Although this is a legal question, the answer depends on case-specific facts to determine foreseeability and ease of association.
  • What damages were suffered by the plaintiff? Was the harm suffered caused by the breach of duty?

Is Louisiana a Comparative Negligence State?

Yes, Louisiana has a comparative negligence rule. If a party has some responsibility for the accident then comparative negligence rules apply.

In Louisiana, an injured party has the right to recover for injuries sustained in an accident. The right of recovery exists even if the injured party is over 50% at fault for causing the wreck.

Louisiana Civil Code 2323 is the Louisiana statute that established the basis for comparative negligence. Application of La. C.C. Art. 2323 reduces plaintiff’s claim in proportionate to the percentage of his or her fault.

In other words, you can recover damages for the percentage you were not at fault in causing. If you have a personal injury claim wherein you sustained $200,000.00 in damages, but you were 50% at fault, your recovery would be $100,000.00.

Having an attorney experienced in accident reconstruction, and fault determination are crucial to getting a fair outcome for you.

What is Negligence Per Se in a Personal Injury Case?

Negligence per se is a determination by a court that a party is guilty of negligence without the need to put the issue before a jury. In a personal injury case, the only remaining question is the amount of damages.

Negligence per se commonly occurs when a violation of law is involved in causing the injury. For example, a car is seen speeding through a red traffic signal, in a school zone, and smashing into a car with you inside.

You hire an attorney to file suit to recover the damages you suffered in the accident. His actions violated traffic laws against speeding in a school zone and failure to stop for a red traffic signal.

Because the traffic violations were a proximate cause of the damages, the judge can rule that the driver was negligent without wasting judicial resources.

Negligence per se applies does not apply to all violations of the law, but only violations that lead to the cause of the accident or injury. In other words, the offense must have a casual relationship to the crash.

For example, driving on the roads in Louisiana without a valid drivers license is a violation of state statute. This violation had no impact on the cause of the accident, and the doctrine of negligence per se would not be applicable.

What are the Two Types of Damages Allowed in Louisiana Tort Law?

Compensatory and punitive damages are the two types of damages a party can seek to recovery under Louisiana tort law.

Compensatory damages are the classification of losses suffered because of the negligence of another party.

The purpose of compensatory damages is to put you in the position you were in before the accident. On the other hand, punitive damages are designed to punish the party who caused your injuries.

Compensatory Damages

Within compensatory damages, there are two categories of damages, general and special damages. Louisiana civil code article 2315 (A) is the foundation for Louisiana negligence law and provides in section (B) the damages an aggrieved party can recover.

Art. 2315. Liability for acts causing damages

A. Every act whatever of man that causes damage to another obliges him by whose fault it happened to repair it.

B. Damages may include loss of consortium, service, and society, and shall be recoverable by the same respective categories of persons who would have had a cause of action for wrongful death of an injured person. Damages do not include costs for future medical treatment, services, surveillance, or procedures of any kind unless such treatment, services, surveillance, or procedures are directly related to a manifest physical or mental injury or disease. Damages shall include any sales taxes paid by the owner on the repair or replacement of the property damaged

Special damages are usually easier to determine. They are the actual hard dollars lost because of the accident. The following are some examples of special damages:

  • Past medical expenses
  • Past lost wages
  • Future lost wages
  • Automobile repair costs
  • Personal expenses for items lost or replaced
  • Future Medical expenses
  • Funeral and burial expenses

General damages are not as easy to quantify; they include personal losses such as:

  • Past pain and suffering
  • Future pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Consortium (loss of service, society or spousal/family relationships)

Punitive Damages

Louisiana allows recovery for punitive damages in limited situations. La. LA Civ Code 3546 provides as follows:

Punitive damages may not be awarded by a court of this state unless authorized:

(1) By the law of the state where the injurious conduct occurred and by either the law of the state where the resulting injury occurred or the law of the place where the person whose conduct caused the injury was domiciled;  or

(2) By the law of the state in which the injury occurred and by the law of the state where the person whose conduct caused the injury was domiciled. LA Civ Code 3546

The following list is situations allowing recovery of punitive damages:

  • If you have suffered an injury as the result of domestic violence;
  • If you have sustained an injury in an accident with a drunk driver or other instance of gross negligence;
  • If you have sustained an injury by a product that has injured many people;
  • If you have sustained an injury because of a dangerous situation which was known but ignored;
  • If you have sustained an injury in a physical attack;
  • If a defendant engaged in criminal sexual activity with a person less than 17 years old.

If you have been involved in an accident, you need an attorney working for you that knows Louisiana negligence laws. The right attorney knows all aspects of the damages you are entitled to recover and how to maximize your recovery.

Sonja Bradley has helped many victims throughout south Louisiana obtain settlements and verdicts against defendants and their insurance companies.

If you want someone by your side, with experience and knowledge to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve, contact our offices in either Hammond or Livingston, Louisiana. Interested in reading more on Louisiana law visit our blog posts or click here to read about Louisiana’s No Pay, No Play laws.